Fiber Optic Cables
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Conventional Cables
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > OPGW
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > ADSS
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Submarine
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > WTC (World's Highest Density)
Optical Fibers
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Single Mode
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Multi Mode
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Specialty Fibers
Fiber Splicing Machines & Related Products
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Telecommunication Fibers
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Specialty Fibers
Optical Test Equipment
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > OTDR
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Portable Power Meters & Light Sources
Rf Products & Telecom Towers
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Connectors & Adaptors
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Cable Assemblies
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Test Equipment
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Antennas
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Site Solutions
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Tools & Accessories
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Telecom Towers
Copper Telecommunication Cables
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Copper Telecommunication Cables
Installation Accessories For F/O Cables
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Installation Accessories For F/O Cables
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > For Coaxial Cables
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > For Fiber Optic Cables
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > For Electrical Cables
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > For Power Utilitiy Cables
Fiber Inspection & Cleaning Products
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Fiber Inspection
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Cleaning Kits
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Push-Type Cleaners
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Reel-Type Cleaners
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Fiber Optic Cleaning Fluids
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Wipes & Cleaning Cards
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Cleaning Sticks,Tips & Swabs
Optical Components
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Central Office Application
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Optical Cabinets
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > High-Rise Building Solutions
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Demarcation Boxes & Optical Outlets
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Optical Splitters
- < div class="menu-icon"> div > Optical Closures
- Fiber In Medical
Consultancy Services
Fiber optic technology is expected to play a major part in the World’s growth. The Research and Market studies shows that the annual growth will continue to increase for the fiber optic market, meaning more industries will be looking to the solutions presented by this technology.
One of the key component in the Telecommunications field is the optical fibercable which is a type of cable that has a number of optical fibers inside and used in fiber optic communications to transfer digital data signals in the form of light up to long distances.
Our Company who acts also as a project consultant in providing services to its clients by way of preparation of project reports an the Manufacturing Plant for manufacturing Optical Fiber Cable are mainly:
Desktop Study (Investment Plan Feasibility ROI based on Market Conditions)
Deciding on Fiber Cable Manufacturing Capacity depending on the local market requirements
Based on the decided capacity choosing the appropriate Optical Fiber Cable production and process
Control machinery, equipment and tools
Choosing the appropiriate Test and Mesurement equipment for the labaratoriesbased on the cable types to be produced
Executing the installation and setting up the above machineries, equipment and tools in the manufacturing plant
Choosing the appropriate raw materials for Fiber Optic Cable Profuction
Comissioning of the cable manufacturing plant together with the machinery manufacturer to produce prototype cables
Testing the protoype cables in the labaratory based on internatioanal standards
Deciding on Fiber Cable Manufacturing Capacity depending on the local market requirements
Based on the decided capacity choosing the appropriate Optical Fiber Cable production and process
Control machinery, equipment and tools
Choosing the appropiriate Test and Mesurement equipment for the labaratoriesbased on the cable types to be produced
Executing the installation and setting up the above machineries, equipment and tools in the manufacturing plant
Choosing the appropriate raw materials for Fiber Optic Cable Profuction
Comissioning of the cable manufacturing plant together with the machinery manufacturer to produce prototype cables
Testing the protoype cables in the labaratory based on internatioanal standards
Our comapny is ready to support you and is ready to provide consultancy services for all the phases or any phase of the above process during investment stage or mass production stage of your optical fiber cable manufacturing plant.
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