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Fiber Inspection & Cleaning Products
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Optical Components
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- Fiber In Medical
Capable of displaying and testing 2 wavelengths at once, the RP 560 cuts dB loss testing time in half when used with the DLS 655 laser source or DLS 650 LED source. The power meter automatically detects the wavelength output from the light source and displays the output power/loss for each detected wavelength. Saving data from multiple sites is as simple as identifying a new folder within the RP 560 menu and beginning the test process. All data points are automatically saved into the selected folder, so multiple sites can be tested and saved before data needs to be offloaded for reporting. For users operating in a bench top or manufacturing environment, the data from the RP 560 can be mirrored to and controlled by a Windows, Android, or iOS device using USB (Windows only) or Bluetooth®. Live-streaming the data to a computer or tablet allows fast sharing and report creation. Bluetooth® Functionality Compatible with Android & iOS Devices 10,000+ Data Point Storage Test Multiple Sites & Offload Data From Individual Folders Wavelength ID Mode Detects Signal From DLS 655 Laser Light Source or DLS 650 LED Laser Light Source & Switches Wavelength Settings Automatically Audible Modulation Alert For 2 kHz, 1 kHz & 270 Hz Tones Compatible with All Connector Styles Single Mode or Multi-Mode Testing
SM Loss Test Kit 1310/1550 nm with Bluetooth® & Wave ID
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