
PRIZM® LightTurn®

Product code : JUE4JS

Constantly increasing bandwidth requirements in all areas of communication and computing are placing ever greater demands on networking I/O equipment. Current edge-mount copper or fiber interfaces are at their limits even over the short distances on the PCB. Embedded parallel optics have become the solution of choice to meet these demands. High-performance routers, switches and computers have already been utilizing this technology for a decade. Parallel optic solutions are currently used in a wide range of applications: in links between nodes of supercomputers, switches in international Internet gateways as well as in data centers and central offices. Embedded opto-electrical modules and optical engines utilize parallel-optics transmitter and receiver arrays. For optimum signal integrity, thermal management, I/O consolidation and EMI/ESD, the opto-electrical modules are directly mounted close to the processors at the PCB. Parallel-optic links can complement electronic signalling in parallel lanes such as XAUI and PCIe. Using PRIZM® Light Turn®, it is possible to implement a passive plug connection between the opto-electrical modules and the fiber optic network.


  • 12 to 48F
  • Assembled for MT ferrule
  • Assembled for MTP® and MPO
  • Assembled for ribbon
  • Assembled for round cable