
Specialty Fiber Fusion Splicers FSM-100P

Product code : WXOMS9

The Fujikura specialty fiber splicer FSM-100P series offers a host of innovative technologies to address the rapidly expanding splicing needs for factory, manufacturing, laboratory and R&D applications. These capabilities is revolutionizing the way users splice various types of specialty fibers, LDFs, PMFs and so on.



Optimal Plasma Zone Control

The patented “Split V-groove” and electrode systems create flexibility within the plasma zone.

Observation Method for Fiber Rotation Alignment

Side View FSM-100P/100P+ series only

Panda Mode

Matching with Panda fiber brightness data

IPA Mode    IPA/IPA2

   New added

Interrelation Profile Alignment

Profiling from brightness data for each degree and matching the interrelation of L-R fibers

End View FSM-100+ series only

Insert illumination LED and observe the fiber end face

Enhanced Sweep Plasma

Enhanced Power Calibrations 

The FSM-100 series provides three types of power calibration methods for both 125μm fibers and LDFs.

Dual Splice Loss Estimation

FSM-100 series provides loss estimation methods using either cold or warm splice Images for accurate splice loss estimation.


 Cold splice image 


Warm splice image

USB, GPIB Communication

The splicer firmware can be upgraded via internet connection. Also, splice data upload/download is available via PC. The GPIB connection provides power meter feedback alignment capabilities.
Standard package
Item Model FSM-100P FSM-100M FSM-100P+ FSM-100M+
Splicer Main Body FSM-100P 1pc
FSM-100M 1pc
FSM-100P+ 1pc
FSM-100M+ 1pc
Carrying Case CC-27 1pc
Fiber Holder FH-100-250 1pair
FH-100-250-EV 1pair
FH-100-400 1pai 1pair
FH-100-400-EV 1pair
AC Adapter ADC-15 1pc
AC Power Cord ACC-xx 1pc: ACC-01: Japan, -02: USA, -03: UK,
-04: EU, -05: Australia
Electrodes ELCT2-25 2pairs
(1pair for spare)
ELCT3-25 1pair
ELCT3-25-LDF 1pair
EndView Light Source EV-LS01 2pcs
USB Cable USB-01 1pc
Dust Cleaning Stick DCS-01 1pc
Electrode Cleaner EC-01 1pc
Warning and Cautions W-100MP-E 1pc
Instruction Manual M-100MP-E 1pc
Splicing Report SR-01-E 1pc
Item Model Remark
Fiber Holder



xxx: coating diameter

60, 100, 125, 150, 180, 210, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800,1900, 2000

-EV model is the fi holder fber or EndView observation system.

FH-40-LT900 for 900 μm coating loose tube fiber.
Optical Fiber Cleaver CT-101 Cladding diameter: 80 to 250 μm,
Cleave length: 3 to 40 mm,
Angled cleaving available up to 15 deg.
CT104+ Cladding diameter: 80 to 600 μm,
Cleave length: 5 to 40 mm
CT105+ Cladding diameter: 80 to 1250 μm,
Cleave length: 5 to 40 mm
CT106+ Cladding diameter: 80 to 1250 μm,
Cleave length: 5 to 40 mm,
Angled cleaving available up to 15 deg.
CT52 Cladding diameter: 125 μm,
Cleave length: 3 to 5, 8 to 10 mm
CT58 Cladding diameter: 80 μm,
Cleave length: 3 to 5, 8 to 10 mm
Fiber Stripper RS02/03 Cladding diameter: 125 μm,
Coating diameter 200 to 400 μm
RS03-80 Cladding diameter: 80 μm,
Coating diameter 150 to 250 μm
PCS-100 for polyimide coated fiber
Ultra Sonic Cleaner USC-03  
Recoater & Cleaner FSR-05/06/07 Selectable mold size:
195 μm, 255 μm, 280 μm, 450 μm,
670 μm, 1000 μm
Protection Sleeves FP-, FPS-series